The Value Crisis Glossary
I use the term polarity to describe any concept or problem that can be mapped as a dynamic manifestation of two opposing attributes or ideas. Breathing, for example, is a cycle of inhalation and exhalation; both are necessary, there are positive and negative characteristics of each, and there is no such thing as a static balance of gases.
There are many examples of polarities in nature and business. The lifecycle of a forest, for example, tends to oscillate between diverse rapid-growth pioneer species and singular slow-growth mature species. Similarly, optimal organizational strategy will sometimes focus on planning and other times on action.
In a polarity, each opposing pole can be thought of as having a positive and a negative aspect. Each positive state, if experienced to the exclusion of the opposite pole, tends to decay to the negative state. That inspires the system to improve by seeking the positive aspects of the opposite pole. If focus there then decays to the negative on that side, the system is motivated to return to the positive of the original pole and the cycle continues.
source: Barry Johnson, "Polarity Management"
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