The Value Crisis Glossary
"Value Personae"
We each have three personalities, existing within all of us, who are ruled by different value systems. Their influence on our actions vary, depending on the situation, and on our conscious and unconscious thoughts:
The Consumer
The Consumer value persona is focused on our present needs. Being common to all living things, it is also the oldest value persona. In humans, this is the persona that values low prices and instant gratification. If the 'consumer' is given $50, their highest purpose is to spend it. In society, the consumer value persona is represented by the marketplace.
The Investor
The Investor value persona is focused on our future needs. It is found in lifeforms that have some awareness of an ability to influence that future (like a squirrel stashing nuts for the winter). In humans, this is the persona that values higher prices that give good returns. If the 'investor' is given $50, their highest purpose is to save it. In society, the investor value persona is represented by the corporations.
The Citizen
The Citizen value persona is focused on the needs of others. It is found in social lifeforms which can exhibit valuing the collective over the individual. In humans, this is the persona that values sacrifice and altruism. If the 'citizen' is given $50, their highest purpose is to give it away. In society, the citizen value persona is no longer well-represented, although historically religion and government have often played that role.
While these three value personae exist in all of us, they are each in conflict with the other two, so only one will prevail for any given decision. You can only do three things with a $50 bill: spend it, save it, or give it away.
source: Andrew Welch, adapted from Robert Reich
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